What does a battery isolator do?
An automotive electrical system produces enough electrical power for an automobile to run the ignition system, charge the battery again and supply power for electronic devices inside the vehicle.
Some vehicles take advantage of this extra electrical capacity to sustain a 2nd onboard battery. Typically a vehicle with more than one battery will include an automotive battery isolator in the setup.
A True® battery isolator separates the batteries from one another in a way that allows the charging source to charge them in a designated order. This isolator will not only manage the charging sequence order but also separates (isolates) the batteries from discharging each other if and when the charging source is not producing adequate power.
In addition, a True® battery isolator kit assures that the vehicle’s electrical system is protected from surges during start-up or at other times when a large spike or variance in voltage/amperage may occur which could lead to a risk of electrical system failure. A trouble-free setup is one in which the vehicle contains 2 batteries connected in parallel through the isolator. This is a simple explanation of what does an auxiliary battery isolator do.
The TRUE® dual battery isolator system is not linked to the vehicle’s alternator or its ignition but instead relies on “smart circuitry” which senses the voltage available to determine when to connect or isolate the batteries. This avoids having to rewire the alternator or connect to the ignition. By using smart technology the auxiliary 12v battery isolator switch keeps things simple and more efficient.